Everything is moving right along! On Monday, the Bartley crew put the final touches on site prep before dropping off materials to install our foundation footers. The team got right to work in strategically placing concrete forms in just the right locations and finished up by mid-morning Tuesday before calling in the County Inspector. Green light granted! We passed our Footings Inspection, so it was time to fill those forms with concrete!
A shiny blue concrete truck with an arm that stretched high into the trees and all the way across the excavated site arrived to get the job started. The munchkins jumped for joy as not one, not two, but an army of THREE ginormous, red cement trucks turned around the bend and pulled onto the job site.
Standing high on one of the dirt piles the size of Mt. Everest, a Specialist was at the helm, guiding the concrete pouring arm with a remote control. Efficiently and methodically, step by step, the busy crew spent the next two hours pouring the concrete into the forms, shoveling the excess from the sides, leveling off the top edges, establishing lines down the center with a 2×4, measuring and marking orange dots every couple feet, and inserting rebar that will ultimately support the foundation walls. The concrete set, the crew removed their forms, and they were on their merry way… all in one afternoon!
On Wednesday morning, an engineer from Fisher, Carter, and Collins referred to the Site Development Plan and surveyed the site to place markers specifically where the wall corners will go. The Bartley Corp. returned on Thursday to deliver a miniature city full of foundation wall forms. And today, they will place those forms on the footers and get ready to pour some basement walls. Sounds like a fantastic Friday to me!
Have a super day! :o)
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I think those kids wanted to operate that backhoe. I suspect that they would have had a great time…